Welcome, Beautiful Soul!

If you are here, you are probably the One. The One who signed up for an advanced mastery in this lifetime. Bringing all your wisdom, all your gifts, all your embodiments in a single lifetime of now, into a zero-point calibration. 

It means that you started to remember the multidimensionality of all of you, across all lifetimes, spaces, dimensions, and realities, and you are now ready to move as OneBody of Christ, as an integral part of All of Creation. 

Your biggest desire is to know and experience yourself as God, as Divinity in form, an embodiment of divine will in motion, coming back to your Cosmic Origins, beyond what you have known yourself to be in time and space.

Registration Closed

No matter where you are on your path right now as an embodied benevolent leader, a wayshower, a 5D architect or creator of a New Earth, there is no better time than now.

Returning to your Cosmic Origins, into Union with all parts of your Multidimensional Self, to your Original Template of Creation is the only way to bring your Haven* on Earth here, infused with your divine resonance and your unique flavor of God.

During this Sacred initiation journey we will be bringing the parts of our multidimensional self by starting from restoring our first three chakras to their Original Template of Creation to create the landing pad, the foundation of our Haven, here on Earth. 

*Why "haven" and not "heaven"? The word heaven energetically reads as the opposite of hell, versus haven which is a representation of the sanctuary of your own soul anchored into the earth.

This Sacred Initiation Journey into the mysteries of creating your own Inner Sanctuary, your own Inner Temple here on earth, is a part of your legacy here, whether you choose to walk this path with us or on your own.


Each of us has our own unique key code of divinity, our own unique vibration of God, expressed through our physical form. It’s time to reclaim our bodies as a Sacred Inner Temple, as a chalice of our Divine Self.  


And together, we are creating this beautiful tapestry. We are saying YES to not only co- creating with life, but also to becoming a River of Life, becoming the Sacred Waters and Holy Fires of Source.

Registration Closed

Your initiation journey will be overlighted by the Divine Mother and the High Council of Sophia and directed by your Highest Self. It will be supported by the Divine Masculine counterpart, embodied in and through the Council of Ascended Masters. Hathor and the Hathors will be leading the multidimensional aspects of the journey.


During your time on this path, you will have your own direct experience with your Cosmic Origins, parts of your Multidimensional Self, and the Original Templates of Creation to create a foundation for your Haven on Earth. 


The stages of your journey will be as follows:


Root Chakra

Guided by Goddess Isis

“It’s safe to be seen. It’s safe to lead. It’s safe to create my Haven on Earth.” 


Restoring the original template and connection with your Earth Star and root chakras, as well as Gaia, creating a landing pad as a foundation for your Haven on Earth.


September 16, 2023

6:30am PT, 9:30am ET, 3:30pm CEST

Live Virtual Ceremony

(60 min.)


September 30, 2023

6:30am PT, 9:30am ET, 3:30pm CEST

Live Virtual Gathering

(90 min.)


Sacral Chakra

Guided by Goddess Hathor

“It’s safe to return to my original essence of innocence and purity.” 


Restoring your second chakra to its divine Original Template of the Sacred Portal of Immaculate Creation, returning to the innocence and purity of creation.


October 14, 2023

6:30am PT, 9:30am ET, 3:30pm CEST

Live Virtual Ceremony 

(60 min.)


November 4, 2023

6:30am PT, 9:30am ET, 2:30pm CET

Live Virtual Gathering 

(90 min.)


Solar Plexus

Guided by Green Tara

“It's safe to reclaim my  power as an expression of my Divine Self.” 


Restoring your third chakra to its Original Template of Holy Personal Benevolent Power as an expression yourself, releasing the distortion of power & manipulation.


November 18, 2023

6:30am PT, 9:30am ET, 3:30pm CET

Live Virtual Ceremony 

(60 min.)


December 9, 2023

6:30am PT, 9:30am ET, 3:30pm CET

Live Virtual Gathering 

(90 min.)


"The Sacred Initiation Journey sparked profound changes. Saying yes led to rapid inner growth. Now, I'm deeply connected to my Higher Self, embracing truth and Sovereign Divinity. Confidence surged, freeing my creativity.

The transformation catapulted me from fear to freedom, unleashing my power. JJ and Anna curated an unparalleled, divine space with unwavering support online. It's a rare, beautiful experience, a remembrance of true self and purpose."

-Ali T.

"This journey has been life-changing. I learned so much about myself and authenticity—the contrast between inauthentic and authentic. Releasing what's not mine to hold, I connected with powerful beings like Isis, Hathor, and Green Tara, who supported my transformation.

Their guidance and new energies still enrich my life. Every experience, big or small, is cherished. Struggles revealed the importance of embracing feelings to release, create, and cocreate. I'll never take life for granted again. It's all beautiful and meant to be cherished."

- Andrea A.

What's Included: 

  • 3 Live Ceremonies, duration 60 min each 
  • 3 Live Gatherings, duration 90 min
  • Over 8 hours of audio recordings from Sacred Initiation Journey - Spring 2023 Cohort
  • Special Resources and Activations Channeled by JJ & Anna

Special Resources: 

  • Creating the Field of Sovereignty Practice
  • Grounding Practice with Isis to activate your divine DNA and embody divine qualities that are unique to you
  • Inner Child work introduction 
  • Inner Child work practices
  • Blessing your water
  • Mentoring with Mother Mary & Quan Yin



One-Payment Option: $2333


Three-Payment Option: $777

*Additional payment plans available upon request

Meet JJ

💫 Multidimensional Light Language Channel of cosmic, elemental, and angelic aspects of Source

🌟Soul Template Activation Guide at the individual and collective level, working in and through the Akasha

✨Divine Sophia Oracle helping souls to connect to their original soul blueprint


Meet Anna

✨Multidimensional Divine Channel & Spiritual Guide

☀️Overlighting Presence for long-traveled souls to come back home to their inner union and communion

⚡️Highest Destiny Path Activator for trailblazers and way-showers on a path of benevolent leaders



Activations With JJ and JJ Brighton cannot guarantee any specific results or outcomes in this course. Participants each have an individual journey, and the course provides tools and knowledge to support personal growth and development. Your dedication and effort in applying the course materials will play a significant role in determining your experience and results.