Activation Keys: The Basics

Jan 19, 2020

What are Activation Keys?


Activation keys are tools to restore balance to the planet, the galaxy, and the multiverse. They are instruments of change, shifting the very material from which the world is made. They are cross-dimensional tools that heal and repair many lives/beings on many dimensions. The actions done by one who holds the keys will have a ripple effect.


Who Can Use the Activation Keys?


Anyone can use a key, as long as their energy signature matches the energy signature of the particular key they are seeking to use.


spiral stars dimension


How Does a Person Make Sure Their Energy Signature Matches the Activation Key(s)?


There is no seeking or attaining a match. It exists or it doesn’t exist. You can become more aware of a match when you live out of a dimension higher than 3D. But even those in 3D can use keys, many times unknowingly, when they are placed in their path.


Where Can the Keys be Found?


Each individual will be drawn to their keys through the law of attraction. Keys are downloaded through intention. When you see certain double numbers or experience synchronicities, these are signs that you have received keys. Keys are also found in tones/music. Repeated listening of certain songs you are drawn to will enhance your reception of the keys. There are a myriad other ways to receive keys. Some include: movement, from elementals/nature, sun gazing, being at high elevations, being in water, transferred directly from another person/being/animal, when you are present at a certain coordinate on the planet that matches with your energy signature.



What is My Role in Relation to the Activation Keys?


There are those tasked with unlocking portals which will call forth the keys and allow them to flood this particular planet.


There are those tasked with gridding places and spaces with keys.


If you are aware that you have received keys, you can then ask what is to be done with the keys. You may need to take immediate action or simply wait until the time is right.


Sometimes a key is imparted years in advance. You may ask what keys lie dormant within you and how to awaken them so they may be used. Some keys should be used in conjunction with others and this may necessitate a waiting period. Other times you may need to wait until you are at the correct location.


Keys may be used to activate the following (keep in mind this is not a comprehensive list):


  • Inter-dimensional portals
  • Different earth grids
  • The DNA of sentient beings
  • Locations/buildings/structures
  • Teams of elementals tasked with certain jobs
  • Messages/calls to action that have not yet been dispatched

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